
Hi, today I'm reviewing the book The Get Off by Christa Faust. Yeah, I have read all of this series: Money Shot, Choke Hold, I think it was called, and The Get Off and really, really enjoyed all those books. I'm a huge fan of Christa Faust and I love Hard Case Crime books in general. They're awesome, but I read it in my Kobo and I highly recommend it.

Angel Dare is not only in a situation in which she's accused of killing a cop, but she's pregnant and boy, the descriptions are just visceral of that. I'm trying to imagine going through all that this character goes through while being pregnant and it is just—ahhh!—but it's very well written, as always.

She's just a wonderful writer and her main character, Angel Dare, has always been one that I loved. So if you enjoy smart talking, action-oriented women protagonists, this is the book for you. I mean, great stuff all around, and again, I highly recommend it.

I love Christa Faust's work, period. And with that, I will just conclude, except to say check it out, do check it out. Five Stars Plus. And I will talk to you later. Be seeing you!

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